Texas Violators Subject to Fine Sign
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Violators Subject to Fine and Towing

Texas Violators Subject to Fine Sign







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  • Texas Reserved Parking Signs

68.104 (a)(3) states:

(3) a sign identifying the consequences of parking illegally in a paved accessible parking space. The sign must:

  1. at a minimum state “Violators Subject to Fine and Towing” (Plaque)(R7-8aPT) in a letter height of at least one inch;
  2. be mounted on a pole, post, wall or freestanding board;
  3. be no more than eight inches below a sign required by Texas Accessibility Standards, 502.6; and
  4. be installed so that the bottom edge of the sign is no lower than 48 inches and no higher than 80 inches above ground level.

identifying van parking spaces shall contain the designation "VAN ACCESSIBLE" (R7-8P) Signs shall be 60 inches minimum above the ground level measured to the bottom of the sign.

68.104 (b) states:

(b) A parking space identification sign that complies with Texas Accessibility Standards, 502.6, that includes the requirements in subsection (a)(3)(A) satisfies subsection (a)(3).

502.6 Identification. Parking space identification signs shall include the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with 703.7.2.1. Signs identifying van parking spaces shall contain the designation "van accessible." Signs shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign.

For more information about the law 68.104 Accessible Parking Spaces Click Here.

ParkingSign.com does not recommend or specify the use of a specific safety sign because it does not have knowledge of the hazard(s) our customers are identifying. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to identify the hazard(s) that may be present and select one or more signs (stock or custom) that accurately identify their specific hazard(s) and complies with any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, any worksite specific rules or regulations and/or any applicable safety standards (including, without limitation, MUTCD standards). ParkingSign.com disclaims any and all liability (excluding liability for our Product Warranty contained in our Terms and Conditions) for any sign selected by a customer and shall not be responsible for any personal injury or property damage resulting from the use of signs purchased from it or for the independent interpretation made of any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, any worksite specific rules or regulations, and/or any applicable safety standards (including, without limitation, MUTCD standards). Customer shall indemnify and hold ParkingSign.com and its corporate parent and its officers, directors, and affiliates harmless from and against any and all claims, loss, or expense (including attorneys’ fees) arising from or related to the purchase and use by customer or any third party of any sign purchased by customer from ParkingSign.com.



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