Product Information
Wisconsin Administrative Code Trans 200.07:
(a) The sign shall consist of a white rectangle with longer dimension vertical, having green message, a green arrow, if required under this section, and a blue and white international symbol for the barrier-free environments. The sign may be reflective or non-reflective.
(b) The sign shall include the words ""reserved parking"" and the words ""vehicles with VET or DIS plates or state disabled card"" or other words with a similar meaning.
(c) The size of the sign shall be not less than 12 inches by 18 inches. When used on a highway with a speed limit of more than 35 miles per hour, it shall be not less than 18 inches by 24 inches.
(d) A right arrow, left arrow or the words ""This Stall"" or similar wording shall be included near the bottom of the sign.