How Many Handicap Parking Signs Does Your Parking Facility Need?
It’s commonly known that businesses are required to have handicap accessible parking spaces, but is there a specific number that is required? The answer is yes! The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires a certain number of handicap accessible parking spots for all businesses and government buildings. The required number of accessible parking spaces varies depending on how many parking spaces there are, the type of building it is, and whether it’s new construction.
Additionally, there is a requirement for van accessible parking spaces. There must be one “van accessible” parking space for every six (or a fraction thereof) accessible parking spots.
For example, if there are six accessible parking spots, you’d need to make one of those van accessible. If you had seven accessible parking spots, you’d need to make two van-accessible parking spaces.
For garages or parking lots that are new construction, the table below outlines the needed number of handicap accessible spaces:-
Total Amount of Parking Spaces
in Parking Facility (Garage or Lot)Minimum Amount of Accessible
Parking Spaces Required by the ADA1 - 25 1 26 - 50 2 51 - 75 3 76 - 100 4 101 - 150 5 151 - 200 6 201 - 300 7 301 - 400 8 401 - 500 69 501 - 1000 2% of total 1001 and over 20, plus 1 for each 100,
or fraction thereof, over 1000
Table provided by ADA National Network.
Accessible Parking Space Requirement Examples
If a parking lot has a total of 250 spaces, there would need to be at least seven accessible parking spots, and at least two of those parking spaces must be van accessible.
If a parking lot has a total of 76 spaces, there would need to be at least four accessible parking spots, and at least one parking space must be van accessible.
If a parking lot has a total of 25 spaces, there would need to be at least one accessible parking spot, and it must be van accessible.
Accessible Parking Requirements for Medical Facilities
Medical facilities have different requirements for accessible parking than other types of buildings, however, the rule of maintaining one van-accessible spot for every six accessible spots (or a fraction thereof) is the same.
- Hospital outpatient facilities must have at least 10% of their visitor/patient spaces handicap accessible.
- Rehabilitation facilities and outpatient physical therapy facilities must have 20% of their visitor/patient spaces handicap accessible.
There are some exceptions to these ADA handicap accessible parking requirements. If a parking garage or lot is only used for the following vehicles, there is no requirement for accessible parking spaces:
- Delivery vehicles
- Buses
- Law enforcement vehicles
- Trucks
- Impounds
If a parking facility was built before 2010, then these regulations may not apply. There is a “safe harbor” clause for existing parking facilities that allow them to operate under the ADA regulations that were in place during the time the parking facility was constructed. For example, if a parking lot was constructed in 1993, it would need to follow the 1992 ADA regulations.
If a planned alteration to an existing parking facility takes place, then it must be brought up to the latest ADA regulations. This includes adding accessible parking spaces if needed to the "maximum extent feasible."
For more information, please refer to the Safe Harbor section of the ADA's accessible parking fact sheet.
Now that you know more about the required number of parking spaces needed for your parking facility, you need to know which signs you need to use to properly designate them. To find out which handicap accessible parking signs you need in your state, check out our article: Which Handicap Parking Signs do You Need?
For more information on the 2010 ADA requirements, such as accessible parking space dimensions, visit the ADA National Network website. does not recommend or specify the use of a specific safety sign because it does not have knowledge of the hazard(s) our customers are identifying. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to identify the hazard(s) that may be present and select one or more signs (stock or custom) that accurately identify their specific hazard(s) and complies with any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, any worksite specific rules or regulations and/or any applicable safety standards (including, without limitation, MUTCD standards). disclaims any and all liability (excluding liability for our Product Warranty contained in our Terms and Conditions) for any sign selected by a customer and shall not be responsible for any personal injury or property damage resulting from the use of signs purchased from it or for the independent interpretation made of any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, any worksite specific rules or regulations, and/or any applicable safety standards (including, without limitation, MUTCD standards). Customer shall identify and hold and its corporate parent and its officers, directors, and affiliates harmless from and against any and all claims, loss, or expense (including attorneys’ fees) arising from or related to the purchase and use by customer or any third party of any sign purchased by customer from